Father’s Day Celebration at BINUS SCHOOL Serpong

On November 11th, ECY/EL BINUS SCHOOL Serpong held an interesting Father’s Day as an early celebration for Father’s Day on November 12th. Father’s Day is a celebration to honor every child’s very first hero. Their source of strength & power. We all know that Mother’s Day is very popular, but we should not forget the sweat and tears of our Dads in guarding our every single step.
At BINUS SCHOOL Serpong, heaps of efforts are gathered to make BINUSIAN fathers feel special. No event will be complete without a fun photo booth. Our young BINUSIANS and their dads photographed their awesome memories of the day through the “Superhero” themed booth. Our EL students also prepared a magnificent song and a dance performance dedicated to their dads. Our BINUSIAN teachers practiced hard to have bakiak, basketball, and futsal matches with the Superdads! It was really fun to watch the friendly match between BINUSIAN teachers and the daddies. The super dads won but it didn’t matter who won the match, because we believe that fathers are always the winners of their children’s hearts.
Fathers are often busy working for their children’s life expenses, yet they never complain about how challenging it is. Sometimes their work even keeps them away from their children but they tackle this sacrifice, all for their love for them. Through this Father’s Day celebration, BINUS SCHOOL Serpong hopes that the bonds between BINUSIAN fathers and children get deeper & stronger. Thank you Dads for spending your valuable time with us. Thank you teachers and students for preparing a special present for the fathers. And thank you moms for accompanying your beloved family. It turned into a great family day. “A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow”.