Press Conference : BINUS SCHOOL Serpong As a Top-ranked School that Empowers the Society
Versi Bahasa Indonesia
BINUS SCHOOL Serpong adalah bagian dari Lembaga BINA NUSANTARA yang selama ini aktif berkontribusi dalam industri pendidikan selama hampir 40 tahun. Berdiri sejak tahun 2007, BINUS SCHOOL Serpong memiliki visi membina dan memberdayakan anak bangsa, menjadi sekolah yang akan menghasilkan individu yang mempunyai karakter yang kuat, berwawasan luas, serta memiliki semangat berkontribusi dengan menghadirkan solusi bagi masyarakat baik nasional maupun global. BINUS SCHOOL Serpong fokus pada pendidikan kurikulum nasional dan internasional Cambridge, membangun karakter teladan, mendukung pembelajaran inovatif, dan membina kepemimpinan anak yang penuh kasih.
Salah satu fokus BINUS SCHOOL Serpong dalam rangka memenuhi visi membina dan memberdayakan anak bangsa salah satunya adalah dengan mengembangkan aktivitas-aktivitas diluar pendidikan yang bersifat sosial. Beberapa aktivitas sosial yang pernah dilakukan oleh siswa BINUS SCHOOL Serpong antara lain penggalangan dana untuk orangutan, Charity Market, Adopt a School, HOPE Project, dan masih banyak lagi.
Berdasarkan nilai Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) 2021, Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi (LTMPT) menempatkan BINUS SCHOOL Serpong di peringkat ketiga sekolah terbaik di Tangerang Selatan, peringkat keenam sekolah terbaik di Banten dan peringkat ke-tiga puluh delapan sekolah terbaik nasional. Pihak BINUS SCHOOL Serpong benar-benar bangga dengan para BINUSIAN muda yang berhasil menjadi yang teratas dan mengalahkan segala keterbatasan yang disebabkan oleh pandemi. BINUS SCHOOL Serpong juga turut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh staff guru dan murid atas pencapaian tersebut dan tetap berusaha memberikan yang terbaik bagi bangsa di bidang pendidikan.
Lebih lanjut, BINUS SCHOOL Serpong akan mengadakan rangkaian acara dengan tujuan memberdayakan masyarakat (Empowering the Society) secara luas tanpa memandang status BINUSIAN ataupun NONBINUSIAN. Adapun rangkaian acara tersebut yaitu Empowering Young Talents: Great Little Scientists & Strong Public Speaking (Sabtu, 6 November 2021) dan Hybrid Seminar: How to Empower Your Children to be the Best (Sabtu, 27 November 2021).
“Di sini, peserta didik kami dengan senang hati menikmati kesempatan untuk belajar sambil menemukan potensi mereka dan memperjuangkan masa depan mereka. Melalui tim yang berkualitas dan berdedikasi, komunitas kami mencari keseimbangan dalam mengembangkan soft dan hard skill para BINUSIAN muda kami.” komentar Ms. Anwin Samsudi selaku Early Childhood and Elementary Years Principal.
Ms. Sherrierose Gonzales selaku Middle and High School Principal turut mengungkapkan, “Kaum muda saat ini diliputi oleh informasi dan pengalaman melalui teknologi, yang terkadang melampaui usia dan kemampuan mereka untuk memahami. Di BINUS SCHOOL Serpong, kami bekerja sama untuk mewujudkan pendidikan yang seimbang, baik pikiran maupun hati. Kami percaya ini adalah esensi dari Home for Learning.”
Peran serta BINUS SCHOOL Serpong diharapkan dapat menyatukan ekosistem (siswa, pendidik, pelaku industri, komunitas, masyarakat dan pemerintah) melalui pendidikan berkelas dunia yang akan menciptakan siswa/i menuju karakter teladan, pembelajaran inovatif, dan kepemimpinan yang penuh kasih tidak hanya dalam lingkup keluarga, namun juga dalam masyarakat.
English Version
BINUS SCHOOL Serpong is part of BINA NUSANTARA Institution which has been contributing to the education industry for almost 40 years. Established in 2007, BINUS SCHOOL Serpong has a vision of fostering and empowering the nation, becoming a school that will produce individuals who have strong characters, broad-minded, and have the spirit to contribute by presenting solutions for the community, both nationally and globally. BINUS SCHOOL Serpong focuses on national and Cambridge International curriculum education, building exemplary character, supporting innovative learning, and fostering compassionate leadership in children.
One of the focuses of BINUS SCHOOL Serpong in order to fulfill the vision of fostering and empowering the nation is to develop activities outside of social education. Several social activities that have been carried out by BINUS SCHOOL Serpong students include fundraising for orangutans, Charity Market, Adopt a School, HOPE Project, and many more.
Based on the 2021 Computer-Based Writing Test (UTBK) scores, the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) places BINUS SCHOOL Serpong in the third best school in South Tangerang, the sixth best school in Banten and the thirty-eighth best school nationwide. BINUS SCHOOL Serpong is really proud of the young BINUSIANs who managed to be at the top and overcome all the limitations caused by the pandemic. BINUS SCHOOL Serpong would also like to thank all the teachers and student staff and continue to strive to provide the best for the nation in the field of education.
Furthermore, BINUS SCHOOL Serpong will hold a series of events with the aim of empowering the wider community regardless of BINUSIAN or NONBINUSIAN status. The series of events will be Empowering Young Talents: Great Little Scientists & Strong Public Speaking (Saturday, November 6, 2021) and Hybrid Seminar: How to Empower Your Children to be the Best (Saturday, 27 November 2021).
“Here, our learners happily enjoy the opportunities to study in a nurturing environment while discovering their potentials and champion their future. Through qualified and dedicated team, our community seeks a constant balance in developing the soft and hard skills of our young BINUSIANS.” said Ms. Anwin Samsudi as Early Childhood and Elementary Years Principal.
Ms. Sherrierose Gonzales as Principal of Middle and High School also shared, “Young people today are overwhelmed by information and experiences through technology, which sometimes are beyond their age and ability to comprehend. At BINUS SCHOOL Serpong, we work together to strike a balanced education, of both mind and heart. We believe this is the essence of a Home for Learning”
The participation of BINUS SCHOOL Serpong is expected to unite the ecosystem (students, educators, industry players, communities, society and government) through world-class education that will create students towards exemplary characters, innovative learning, and compassionate leadership not only in the family sphere, but also in society.
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