Clubs & Societies

These SCPs offer a range of activities which focuses on language development, hobbies, interest and craft. Students are able to channel their passion in any of these SCPs and develop their interest and talent in a specific area. Please take note that the created items in these SCPs will be used for school’s exhibition purposes.

Name of SCP: Chinese Club & Society
Description: Students will learn the basics of traditional Chinese customs which will include the Arts (calligraphy and painting) as well as Performing Arts (dance and songs). Students will converse in Mandarin and learn more about the language with our experienced Chinese teachers in this SCP too.
Minimum no. of students:


Category: Performing Arts & Clubs and Societies
Maximum no. of students:


Fees: Nil
Grade Level:

ECY 2 – 3

Gender: Both


Name of SCP: World Culture Club (WCC)
Description: Students are exposed to the various cultures and customs of the world. It is imperative that the young ones experience this exposure as this would help them to understand and respect differences. The students will learn these cultures through traditional dances, food, languages and crafts.
Minimum no. of students:



Clubs and Societies

Maximum no. of students:




Grade Level:

ECY 2 – 3




Name of SCP: Art Attract
Description: In this SCP, students will be introduced to the world of Visual Arts. Colouring, painting and creating beautiful, original & unique self-expressions are always on the day’s menu. Outstanding creations produced in this SCP will definitely be honoured and chosen to brighten up our school walls. Art Materials required.
Minimum no. of students:



Clubs and Societies

Maximum no. of students:




Grade Level:

ECY 2 – 3




Name of SCP: Colouring Club
Description: Students will learn to use various colouring materials such as crayons and paints. Not only will they learn to colour, they will learn principles of drawing lines, shapes, proportion, balance and harmony.
Minimum no. of students:



Clubs and Societies

Maximum no. of students:




Grade Level:

ECY 2 – 3




Name of SCP: Little eXplorers
Description: Curious? In this SCP, we aim to demystify, inspire as well as explore the wonderful world of science with hands-on and inquiry based methods. Students will gain the knowledge that Science is around them and can be applied in their daily lives.
Minimum no. of students 10 Category: Clubs and Societies
Maximum no. of students 25 Fees: Nil
Grade Level: ECY 2-3 Gender: Both


Name of SCP: Essential Skills
Description: Learn the basics of life! Join Essential Skills, the SCP that will give you opportunities to develop your practical life skills through activities such as cooking, stitching, gardening, decoration, handicraft, painting/drawing, first aid and the arts. Get the chance to have some of your creation used for school exhibitions. All materials are provided from our external coaches.
Minimum no. of students 10 Category: Clubs and Societies
Maximum no. of students 25 Fees: Required
Grade Level: ECY 2-3 Gender: Both


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