1. hello.. may i know the school fee for elementary school ? my niece just finished kindergarten @ binus school serpong. is there any chance to get another extra disc? thank u. hope will get any info soon.

    • Dear Ms. Audrey, Thank you so much for your loyalty towards BINUS SCHOOL Serpong. Our admission staff will assist you through serpong-admissions@binus.edu. Please wait for the e-mail.

  2. Halo... mau tanya tentang biaya sekolahnya untuk Sd dan Playgrup. Please send by email to raikkonen_nia@yahoo.com

    • Dear Ms. Nia, Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong. Our admission staff will assist you through serpong-admissions@binus.edu. We would like to invite you to our Open House on Saturday, March 11 at 9-11am. See you!

  3. Hello...may i know for cost Binus elemntary school..i will put in to Binus Elementary school for my daughter..please send to my email sumiatieti86@yahoo.com or WA 085732005054

    • Dear Ms. Eti, Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong. Our admission staff will assist you through serpong-admissions@binus.edu. We would like to invite you to our Open House on Saturday, May 6, at 9-11am. See you!

  4. Morning.... My son is almost 5yo,pls kindly inform the suitable programme for his ages n school fee. Tks

    • Dear Ms. Madebells, Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong. Our admissions staff will assist you through serpong-admissions@binus.edu. We would like to invite you to our Open House, Saturday, 10 March 2018 at 9-11am. Thank you.

  5. Hi! May I get the infos for elementary school? School fees, etc.? Thank you

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