Entrance Qualification for Early Childhood Years
Age Eligibility
- ECY 1: Must have turned 3 years of age by December 31, 2018 and must be toilet-trained.
- ECY 2: Must have turned 4 years of age by December 31, 2018 and must be toilet-trained.
- ECY 3: Must have turned 5 years of age by December 31, 2018 and must be toilet-trained.
Entrance Qualification
- Socio Emotional Assessment only for ECY 1-ECY 2
- Written Placement Assessments for Mathematics, English, General Knowledge & Socio Emotional Assessment for ECY 3
Last updated :
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Hardi Hello Binus,
My name is Hardi, I have a daughter 4 years old already and want to take school in ecy2 Binus serpong.
when the enrollment begin for this program.?
could you send me the tuition fee about ecy2 program.thanks and Regards
cmcbinus Hello Mr. Hardi,
Thank you so much for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong.
About the detail of admission info, we will send you email directly from serpong-admission@binus.edu.
Please kindly wait for it.Thank you.
Fitri Yola Amandita Dear Binus,
I am interested to enroll my daughter to Binus Early Childhood Program. Her birthday is on January 4, 2014. Is she eligible for this year entrance? And she is still on the way to be potty-trained. Thank you.
cmcbinus Dear Ms. Fitri,
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong. Our admission staff will assist you from email serpong-admission@binus.edu. Please wait for the email.
We would like to invite you to our Open House which will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 9-11 am. Please call 0215380400 ext 5101-5104.thank you.
vellis Hi Binus,
I’m interested to enroll my son in Binus for the next year entrance. can you send me the ECY1 and ECY 2 academic programme and the tuition fee?
cmcbinus Dear Ms. Vellis,
Sorry for the late reply Miss. Our admission staff will assist you right away from serpong-admissions@binus.edu.
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong.
Winny Dear Binus,
My Son Adam will turn 3 this july, I’m interest to enroll Adam at Binus, is he eligible for this year entrance? can you send me full information about the academic program and tuition fee?
Thank you-
cmcbinus Dear Ms. Winny,
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong. Our admission staff will assist you through serpong-admissions@binus.edu.
We would like to invite you to our Open House on Saturday, March 11 at 9-11am.
See you!
Fannie Yuanita Dear Binus School,
I am interested to enroll my son in Binus in this year for Binus Early Childhood Program.
Can you send me the fee, program and can we try out for the class ?Thanks.
cmcbinus Dear Ms. Fanie,
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong. Our admission staff will assist you through serpong-admissions@binus.edu.
We would like to invite you to our Open House on Saturday, March 11 at 9-11am.
See you!
Zahra Al-kaff Hi Binus..
i’m very interested to enroll my daughter at Binus serpong..would you send me the detail program of ECY 1,2,3 and all off the tuition fee?
cmcbinus Dear Ms/Mr. Zahra,
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong. Our admission staff will assist you through serpong-admissions@binus.edu.
We would like to invite you to our Open House on Saturday, May 6, at 9-11am.
See you!
Letty Saya Letty, anak saya laki2 berusia 3 thn 7 bulan dan bisa kah saya di beri info tentang administrasi tentang ecy2 , terima kasih
cmcbinus Dear Ms. Letty,
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong.
Our admissions staff will assist you through serpong-admissions@binus.edu.
We kindly invite you to our Open House on Saturday, 12 January 2019 at 9-11AM.
Thank you.