Sekolah Menengah Atas
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically… Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr., American civil rights leader (1929-1968)
SMA merupakan saat yang kritis untuk mendukung tahap akhir perkembangan dan pertumbuhan remaja sebelum memasuki masa dewasa di mana mereka akan memiliki lebih banyak kebebasan dan pilihan bersama dengan tanggung jawab.
Di SMA ini, siswa akan:
- Memiliki peluang lebih untuk melatih jiwa kepemimpinan dalam Badan Siswa / OSIS (Student Council) dan berbagai organisasi lainnya, menjadi panutan bagi siswa yang lebih muda dan mengorganisir beragam proyek layanan pembelajaran untuk menjangkau masyarakat luas.
- Diberikan tes diagnostik dan konseling karir guna membantu siswa memilih program universitas yang tepat berdasarkan penilaian. Panduan pribadi dalam proses aplikasi universitas mereka untuk meningkatkan penerimaan ke universitas pilihan.
- Berpartisipasi dalam University Fair Day yang mengumpulkan universitas top dan luar negeri terkemuka untuk berbagi informasi tentang persyaratan masuk dan prosedur aplikasi.
- Menerima dukungan skolastik yang kuat yang diperlukan untuk membantu mengkonsolidasikan pembelajaran mereka, yang berpuncak pada kinerja yang baik pada ujian Cambridge A Level.
Last updated :
Leave Your Footprint
Robert Coffey I work in International Admissions at Michigan State University (USA). May I be put in contact with BINUS Serpong’s guidance counselor?
Putri Hi. My sister plans to study A levels in Indonesia. May I know how much is the tuiton fee for the a level program here?
cmcbinus Dear Mrs. Putri,
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong.
Our admissions staff will assist you through
We would like to invite you to our School Tour on Saturday, 2 December 2017 at 9-11 am.
See you!
Yulianti Hello, my daughter this year will be in high school, I’m looking for a school that fits well and I think binus suitable for my daughter. If I can see for the details of the cost?
cmcbinus Dear Ms. Yulianti,
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong.
Our admissions staff will assist you through
We would like to invite you to our Open House, Saturday, 7 April 2018 at 9-11am.Thank you.
Novita Good afternoon. My soon will enter high school dis year. Can u give me the detail of the cost? Thanks
cmcbinus Dear Ms. Novita,
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong.
Our admissions staff will assist you through you.
windy Hello, my daughter this year will be in high school, I’m looking for a school . How much the cost?
cmcbinus Dear Ms. Windy,
Thank you for your interest in BINUS SCHOOL Serpong.
Our admissions staff will assist you through
You’re invited to our very first Open House, Saturday, 15 September 2018 at 9-11 AM.
Don’t miss our Early Bird special offering 🙂
More info 021-5380400 ext. 5101-5104.Thank you.