Ms. Sandrina Amanda
29 December 2022
Ms. Leony (Vice Principal of BINUS SCHOOL Serpong) once said, “And most importantly they’re also given a lot of chances to communicate their feelings, their ideas, their their thoughts confidently”, and I’ve seen how BINUS consistently hold this value. During the sequence of selection process (bot for new students or transferred students) there’s also question, “does your child have any difficulties to communicate their feeling?”. Mereka sudah maju beberapa langkah untuk menyadari bahwa perasaan, mental, berkontribusi besar bagi masa depan anak dan masa depan bangsa.
BINUS memiliki sistem pelajaran yang disiplin dan ketat. Tapi proses pembelajarannya menyenangkan. Terbukti dari berbagai acara non-academic yang beberapa kali diselenggarakan oleh BINUS SCHOOL Serpong.
Apa yang Saya rasakan semenjak di BINUS:
Pertama, in order to grow the seed, we have to water it regularly to be able to see its beauty. I really feel that BINUS SCHOOL Serpong really instills self-recognition in children so that children know themselves and grow beautifully in their own way.
Kedua, Saya jarang sekali melihat BINUS adakan lomba internal yang heboh sampai gimana gitu, yang setiap murid dapat piala. Karena mereka tidak menanamkan muridnya untuk compete with each other. Lomba-lomba lebih ke external, students represent BINUS, baik yang sifatnya individual ataupun teams.
And last but not least, BINUS does not only nurture the child, but also his parents, the whole family. They quite often and regularly hold seminars for parents. In the seminar, parents can really tell about their ups and downs, obstacles and can add insight as well. So from the side of the parents also feel embraced.
Ms. Sandrina Amanda
Parent of Letisha Salmala Nurmansyah (ECY 2)